OYSTERS & BEER. Join us THIS WEDNESDAY, January 25th for a four course celebration of our favorite local bivalve, paired with Berkshire Brewing’s beers and ciders $65 a person (includes [...]
A quick update! We are OPEN all Labor Day weekend (including Sunday and Monday — and Monday is $1 oyster night) and will close Tuesday, 9/6. Call ahead for reservations for large groups [...]
The Walkabout is one of our very favorite days of year here in Warren. Artists open their doors, musicians play on street corners, shops are bustling, restaurants are slinging food, and of [...]
As we get close to opening (as we’ve been saying, vaguely soonish), it’s become obvious how much Bywater is a product of the collective creativity of our community–it’s [...]
Morning reading around here. “…coastal frontiers often formed worlds of their own… living not simply ‘on’ coasts but ‘with’ them, carefully and perhaps [...]
Loading Always fun to interrupt @oandgstudio at work. View on Instagram I dropped by O&G Studio this morning for a brief chat–it’s a big weekend, with plumbing, trenching, and [...]
Little did we know that one of the guiltiest pleasures of opening bywater would be the SAMPLES. (I don’t know why I didn’t think of this; after running a shop for four years, I know [...]
Loading Game on! View on Instagram A couple shots from Brian’s foraging expeditions this summer. Mushroom season got off to a good start but since then the pickings have been scarce, [...]