oyster & beer dinner!

OYSTERS & BEER. Join us THIS WEDNESDAY, January 25th for a four course celebration of our favorite local bivalve, paired with Berkshire Brewing’s beers and ciders $65 a person (includes [...]


As we get close to opening (as we’ve been saying, vaguely soonish), it’s become obvious how much Bywater is a product of the collective creativity of our community–it’s [...]

Interrupting O&G Studio

Loading Always fun to interrupt @oandgstudio at work. View on Instagram I dropped by O&G Studio this morning for a brief chat–it’s a big weekend, with plumbing, trenching, and [...]


Loading Game on! View on Instagram A couple shots from Brian’s foraging expeditions this summer. Mushroom season got off to a good start but since then the pickings have been scarce, [...]